Saturday, November 14, 2009

Into the minds of infants

The Guardian of London is reporting that in Britain the Darwinianist establishment which is increasingly losing its grip on adults and teens is shifting its aim to catch future believers when they're at the youngest and most impressionable by peddling their dogma in junior school
The government is ready to put evolution on the primary curriculum for the first time after years of lobbying by senior scientists.
The schools minister, Diana Johnson, has confirmed the plans will be included in a blueprint for a new curriculum to be published in the next few weeks.
It follows a letter signed by scientists and science educators calling on the government to make the change after draft versions of the new curriculum failed to mention evolution explicitly.
And who are these "scientists and science educators" who were so up in arms that a government might actually serve children with an education instead of an indocrination of atheist fairy tales? Hold onto your hats and prepare to be shocked, shocked, shocked:
Among the signatories were the Oxford University evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.
The letter expressed alarm that the theory of evolution through natural selection, which it describes as "one of the most important ideas underlying biological science", was ignored in the revamped curriculum.
"We consider its inclusion vital," the letter said.
Of course Dawkins considers it vital. It's the atheist Creation myth and he knows there's no better time to get someone to believe that molecules somehow turned into fish somehow turned into men than when they still believe in Santa Claus.

That this is proposed in England, the home of Saint Darwin and coincidentally a country with single payer government healthcare and where homeschooling is practically illegal, is hardly surprising. It's more important than ever that people realize what's at stake.

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