Monday, November 23, 2009

Darwinists ready to embrace their corn overlords?

Humans compose music, write books, carve sculpture, learn languages, form societies and design the canadarm. Corn just stands around in fields. So if living creatures and people are really just the simple mechanistic result of their genes as darwinists insist then of course humans must have more genes. Turns out... not so true.
Corn 'contains more genes than humans'
Scientists have decoded the genetic make-up of corn and found the humble vegetable contains more genes than humans.
The researchers discovered that a stalk of corn contains around 32,000 genes.
By contrast the DNA of humans, decoded in recent years, is thought to contain an average of just over 20,000 genes.
Best not eat that corn, darwinists, it's more advanced than you think you are! Or maybe life is more complicated than you've thought it might be.

Learn why there's a design controversy!

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