Fossil finders have been digging in the Sahara and this time they
turned up what they think are ancient "galloping dinosaur-eating crocodiles" from about a fajillion years ago. Here's what an artist thinks the scientists think the bones tell them what the creature would have looked like when alive:

Looks more like a dinosaur than a crocodile to me. One thing not mentioned in the article is what all this means for darwinism. If crocodiles were galloping around eating dinosaurs way back when then it doesn't look like much "evolution" has been going on since because now they just slouch about in rivers waiting for a zebra to come take a drink. If crocodiles have really been around for a kafrillion years and they've really been evolving from something which was agile and smart enough to chase down a dinousaur then they ought to be living in houses and wearing hats and composing operas by now. But they only live in houses when people keep them as pets which really isn't wise, folks, because crocodiles make lousy pets. Too often people get a crocodile when it's a sweet looking newborn and maybe the kids nag mom and dad who don't think it through and then they're
astonished when it grows too big. Then when it gets too big for the house they
mistreat the animal or release them into creeks which
makes a stack of problems for other people. The city's Animal Control dept already have enough to do with just raccoons making trouble and a pound full of dogs without irresponsible people adding crocodiles as well.
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