Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dawkins poked in the eye

Some people in England still get it and have the backbone to stand up to Dawkins and his followers. Quentin Letts in the Mail of London writes it up in neat:
Not A great week for militant secularists. ... one of the world's top cosmologists distanced himself from Richard Dawkins.
You know Dawkins: that soundbite- savvy Oxford biologist, the ayatollah of atheism whose adherents are as swivel-eyed as Opus Dei flagellants.
Dawkins often wraps himself up in Science with a capital 'S', declaring that the world's great religions lack fact. He loves to belittle us churchgoers as thickos.
Well, this week one of Dawkins's fellow eggheads torpedoed his claim to speak for the world of white coats and test tubes.
Professor John Barrow, director of Cambridge's Millennium Mathematics Project, suggested that Dawkins was 'dogmatic' and had a problem thinking beyond the confines of biology.
Read the whole thing. Mr Letts makes a good point that physicists "are used to dealing with uncertainty and being undogmatic", a quality which has sadly deserted too many in other fields.

If Quentin's in Toronto anytime we should meet up for coffee. I can tell him about beefalo and how the polar and grizzly bears have started interbreeding despite supposedly being different species and how wolves and coyotes are living together.

Find out how the intelligent design controversy is!

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