It seems we can hardly move nowadays for announcements of the Most Impressive Fossil Most Proving Evolution Ever, a sure sign that the old guard darwinian elite know that their castle's crumbling so they've got to rush out the 2-by-4s to prop it up. Latest is yet another "transitional" fossil which
they're hanging the "bird evolution" just so story onto.
"Haplocheirus is a transitional fossil," Jonah Choiniere from George Washington University told the BBC.
Oh please, not that old flabblebabble again.
Climb down from the drapes, you idiot! The pattern looks better without you in the middle of it. It shows none of the features of a transitional fossil; it's not half-pig half-monkey, it's not half-squid half-horse or half-bird half-dog, it's not a transition of any kind and he knows it as well as you and I. But then here comes the laughline:
"Previously we thought the Alvarezsauridae were primitive, flightless birds. This discovery shows they're not and that the similarities between them evolved in parallel."
I'll translate that from darwinist for you; it means "we were wrong about it before, and this proves evolution is true". I'd like to see them take that standard of evidence to the police station; here in Canada they'd get laughed at by the desk sergeant and maybe even have to explain why they'd been wasting police time. But for some reason the government forces teachers to cram this stuff down kids' throats in schools on the taxpayer dime and while not allowing promising alternative theories to be taught on a level footing, all policed by secret "
Human Rights Commission" courts .
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