Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why collide large hadrons?

The Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, which cost billions of taxpayer dollars and opened with a big fanfare before breaking down because some of its gas got too warm (seriously!) then was fixed before breaking down again because a bird dropped a piece of bread of it (seriously! French bread!) is back up and running again after having a staffer arrested for terrorism, so I can tell him he won't be welcome in Canada if he tries to come here to live.
I've no idea what conceivable benefit this "experiment" to supposedly probe the finest scale of matter and the earliest moments of the universe can bring anyone, other than make some boyish-looking young man who can't even be bothered to wear a tie very excited.
SO if no more birds drop bread on it and nothing else goes wrong whatever will this hugely expensive excercise in taxpayer-funded "science" achieve? Some science journalists would try to actually find out what it will do, or appreciate discovery for its own sake but I'd like to point out that IT BROKE DOWN WHEN A BIRD DROPPED BREAD ON IT thus is inherently ridiculous. It's an example of the sort of so-called "science" that fills whole books with fancy-pants equations but doesn't help to dig anyone out of a snowdrift.

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