Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Warmists crush dissenter

Johnny Ball, the "English God of Numbers" and science educator was recently on stage at, of all things, an "Atheists' Christmas Show" which sounds turgid enough and I can just imagine what the audience would have looked like, when he made a shocking transgression of the Darwinist Commandments. He dared to doubt Global Warming and point out that the whole charade is a tattered array of fraud and bad science. So how did this "scientific and liberal intellectual" audience receive this heresy? By shouting him down and booing him off the stage.

Ball, 71, claimed that spiders’ flatulence was more damaging to the environment than fossil fuels, and criticised the ‘bad science’ of global warming during a performance at a Christmas show in celebration of atheism and science.

Audience members at ‘Nine Lessons and Carols for Godless People’ at the Bloomsbury Theatre, London responded with slow handclaps, whistles, jeers until he left the stage.

That's how they do the science nowadays.

Now folks, I'm a free speech science journalist writer of non fiction who helped write the Canadian Constitution, so I find this shouting down of opposing voices as despicable as the sound of Dr Strangelove's jackboots stamping on a puppy's face. So I'm glad to see that Mr Ball has been given space in The British Express to expand on his claims without being shouted down by an ideologically-driven crowd. He makes worthwhile and substantial points which certainly can't be debunked in less than a minute by anyone with a search engine. For example he describes how volcanoes produce by far the greatest amounts of CO2 which sounds sensible to me, no matter what any so-called "experts" (who are probably paid for by taxes anyway) at the US Geological Service might say.

Chances are any warming there is - which there isn't, because polar bears are fine - is being caused by all the heat from the bonfires that the tax-funded warming alarmist scammers are burning the dissidents on.

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