Saturday, January 23, 2010

Men are a higher form of life, say darwinoids

It's already well established that Darwinism brought us racism, eugenics and Hitler, but now the left-liberal atheists who make up so much of the Scientific Priest Class have another Darwinian "-ism" to ignore. They'll denounce any man who holds a door open for a lady as sexist, but Darwinists are claiming that men are more evolved than women:
studies are confirming that the Y chromosome, the chromosome responsible for creating males, is evolving at a faster rate than the X chromosome. This means that the genetic makeup of men is further removed from that of our nearest genetic relative, the chimpanzee. In fact, Dr. David Page of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that while our DNA in general is less than 2 percent different from that of chimpanzees the Y chromosome has been found to vary by more than 30 percent.
In other words, "You're 98% chimp, little lady but not me the more advanced alpha male". Ladies, any man who tells you that you're more of a monkey than he is, is no gentleman.
And how was this work was paid for? By tax dollars, of course, from the National Institutes of Health who mustn't have anything more important to study now since they cured the common cold.

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