Monday, January 25, 2010

Lobbing a grenade into the primate origins picture

Darwinists have been constantly asserting for 150 years that we gone come from monkeys, but even if that's true - which it isn't because there aren't any transitional fossils and nobody's ever seen a cow give birth to a cat - it begs the question "So where did monkeys come from, Dr Science?". Up until now the answer they've given has been that monkeys came from fish which decided to hop up onto the land after they somehow grew lungs without drowning, which happened somewhere at some time, we're working on that there's nothing to see here at all now, move along. I know it sounds crazy, but that's what they'd have told you, if they'd even deigned to give a mere tax-payer any answer at all instead of just evading the issue by staring at you blankly before saying something like "You really don't understand this subject at all, perhaps we should talk about some underlying concepts..." And I know this is what they do, because in my many years as a science journalist I've had to confront that sort of ideologically blinkered piffle more times than I can remember.
Well their castle is developing a severe case of cracked walls with the publishing of a New Theory on the Origin of Primates by Professor Heads at Buffalo Museum in one of their own "peer reviewed"* journals which takes issue with the existing dogma of how monkeys came to be, and exposes the prevailing materialist compfort blanket to be a heap of fail, as I believe the young people are saying nowadays:
"According to prevailing theories, primates are supposed to have originated in a geographically small area (center of origin) from where they dispersed to other regions and continents" said Heads, who also noted that widespread misrepresentation of fossil molecular clocks estimates as maximum or actual dates of origin has led to a popular theory that primates somehow crossed the globe and even rafted across oceans to reach America and Madagascar.
Excuse me while I laugh. Monkeys rafting across oceans is ridiculous, as anyone who's ever seen a monkey trying to climb into a boat will attest.
The article notes that increasing numbers of primatologists and paleontologists recognize that the fossil record cannot be used to impose strict limits on primate origins, and that some molecular clock estimates also predict divergence dates pre-dating the earliest fossils.
In other words the fossils don't tell us anything with clarity and disagree with the "molecular clock" anyway. By saying this Professor Heads is going up against some serious vested interests so expect to see some viscous attacks on his career.

* ie "ideolgically cleansed"

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bird Table Bafflegab; darwinists' latest fairy tale

The Telegraph of London tells us that the tax-funded darwin-worshipping toadycrat biologists, having nothing better to do because I guess they've cured cancer, are now telling us that it's not just random mutations that drive "evolution". No, now it's bird feeders. Seriously.
One type of warbler known as the Blackcap is increasingly wintering in England instead of the Mediterranean after being drawn here by the abundance of food in gardens, the researchers claim.
And because their migration is much shorter and their food source different, this is having a profound effect on their bodies - reducing the size of their wings and beaks.
The 'English' blackcaps have developed longer, narrower beaks better suited to the bread and nuts commonly served up on British bird tables than to the olives they would dine on in Spain.
The evolutionary change appears to have occurred over just a few decades, according to the study.
The breakaway group of birds, who still summer and breed in Germany, now account for more than 10 per cent of the whole Blackcap population.
Eventually the "innocent human activity" of feeding birds, a particularly popular British pasttime, could lead to a whole new species of bird, the scientists believe.
You couldn't make it up. Listen folks, I see lots of bird feeders here in Toronto but our birds are still birds and they're not turning into jellyfish or wolves or whatever the Darwinists pretend is happening. This doesn't pass the horse laugh of common sense but it does consume tax dollars and keep Darwinists in the public eye.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Men are a higher form of life, say darwinoids

It's already well established that Darwinism brought us racism, eugenics and Hitler, but now the left-liberal atheists who make up so much of the Scientific Priest Class have another Darwinian "-ism" to ignore. They'll denounce any man who holds a door open for a lady as sexist, but Darwinists are claiming that men are more evolved than women:
studies are confirming that the Y chromosome, the chromosome responsible for creating males, is evolving at a faster rate than the X chromosome. This means that the genetic makeup of men is further removed from that of our nearest genetic relative, the chimpanzee. In fact, Dr. David Page of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that while our DNA in general is less than 2 percent different from that of chimpanzees the Y chromosome has been found to vary by more than 30 percent.
In other words, "You're 98% chimp, little lady but not me the more advanced alpha male". Ladies, any man who tells you that you're more of a monkey than he is, is no gentleman.
And how was this work was paid for? By tax dollars, of course, from the National Institutes of Health who mustn't have anything more important to study now since they cured the common cold.

Podcasts in the Intelligent Design controversy

Noteworthy recent podcasts in the Intelligent Design controversy, hosted by the always erudite Casey Luskin, legal scholar and Head of Logic at the Discovery Institute:

Top Science Stories of 2009
Casey Luskin interviews Dennis Wagner, executive director of the Access Research Network discussing ARN’s top 5 Darwin and Design science stories for 2009. Listen in to learn how the work of Stephen Meyer and William Dembski topped the list of ID science accomplishments for 2009. Drs Dembski and Marks succeeded in toppling Darwinianistic ideology from its pedestal by publishing a mathematics paper in a prestigious engineering journal which doesn't mention biology in any way. And Stephen Meyer's book got some fine reviews.

Rodney LeVake: Expelled Science Teacher, Part 1
On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s Casey Luskin interviews Rodney LeVake, the plaintiff in the Academic Freedom court case LeVake vs. Independent School District #656. LeVake, a former high school biology teacher, ended up losing his biology position and was moved to a different teaching job just because he refused in writing to teach the school's required curriculum. LeVake then sued his employer and persisted in his struggle against the biased activist courts, taking his case as high as the US Supreme Court. Listen as he tells his story of blatant academic persecution.

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